The Nasal Cycle The mucosal lining over the nasal septum and the nasal turbinates is influenced by the nasal cycle, which is responsible for alternating changes in the turbinate sizes due to mucosal engorgement. It contains the maxillary sinuses which extend from the orbital ridge to the alveolar process and drain to the middle meatus of the nose. The bones of the skull frequently appear on exam questions - so make sure you're prepared! RadioGraphics 40, no. after extraction). MDCT is now considered the optimal imaging modality, particularly in the polytrauma setting because it allows safe and rapid image data acquisition and multiplanar reconstruction without patient manipulation. Bullet trajectory is suggested by the pattern of fractures (red arrow). Trauma to the midface can result in fractures of this region. CT is the modality of choice for evaluating maxillofacial trauma. Markowitz el al23 proposed a simplified classification system that relies on the degree of comminution of the NOE central fragment ( Fig. The body is hollowed out and contains the maxillary sinus. Patients present with nasal and periorbital ecchymosis, depression of the nasal bridge, telecanthus, enophthalmos, and a shortened palpebral fissure. The maxilla, also known as the upper jaw, is a vitalviscerocranium structure of the skull. At the time the article was created The Radswiki had no recorded disclosures. Markowitz et al. Blue arrow indicates location of fracture. Although most of the nasal structures are. In type I injury, there is a large single segment central fracture fragment ( Fig. Axial CT demonstrates (a) ethmoidal grooves within the nasal bones (arrows), which are sometimes mistaken for fractures; (b) frontal processes of the maxilla (arrows); and (c) anterior nasal spine (arrowhead). If the alignment is essentially anatomical then no treatment is required. The 2 mm thick images in three planes oriented parallel and perpendicular to the hard palate provide symmetrical images for interpretation (. Fractures limited to the stronger nasolacrimal fossa were less common than injuries combined with the fragile nasolacrimal canal. Horizontal buttresses: (1) frontal bar, (2) upper transverse maxillary buttress, (3) lower transverse maxillary buttress, (4) upper transverse mandibular buttress, (5) lower transverse mandibular buttress. Vertical buttresses: (A) Nasomaxillary or medial maxillary buttress, (B) zygomaticomaxillary or lateral maxillary buttress, (C) pterygomaxillary or posterior maxillary buttress, (D) vertical mandibular buttress. High-energy injuries disrupt the medial canthal ligament anchor and require more complex surgical repair. Three-dimensional reformat CT (c) better demonstrates large central fragment (arrowhead) consistent with type I NOE fracture. There is often associated with other facial fractures and this requires careful assessment 3,5: Nasal septal hematoma should also be actively assessed. The nasal septum consists of three parts: (1) the cartilaginous septum (quadrangular cartilage), anteriorly; (2) the bony septum posteriorly, which comprises two bones (the upper one is the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and the lower one is the vomer); (3) the membranousseptum, which is the smallest and the most caudal part, is located Subtypes a-c describe the integrity of the zygomaticomaxillary buttresses, from intact to unilateral to bilateral involvement, respectively. 10.6Type I naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE) fracture. It should be noted that cartilaginous injuries cannot be detected radiologically and that imaging of simple nasal bone fractures often adds little to patient management. As all paranasal sinuses the maxillary sinuses are relatively small and become larger during the development of the maxilla and the other skull bones. A new approach to the treatment of nasal bone fracture: radiologic classification of nasal bone fractures and its clinical application. Surgeons are increasingly requesting intraoperative CT to assess the adequacy of facial fracture reduction and fixation during surgery, which allows for immediate revision and reduces the need for future revision procedures.18 Additionally, early complications such as graft malposition can be identified. 10.1): The frontal bar extends along the thickened frontal bone of the inferior forehead at the supraorbital ridges between the frontozygomatic sutures. Adapted from Higuera S, Lee EI, Cole P, Hollier LH Jr, Stal S. Nasal trauma and the deviated nose. Other medications. Case study, (Accessed on 18 Apr 2023) Nasal crest of maxilla Crista nasalis maxillae Definition The medial border of the palatine process of maxilla is raised above into a ridge, the nasal crest, which, with the corresponding ridge of the opposite bone, forms a groove for the reception of the vomer. The sinuses develop mostly after birth, and their degree of development varies greatly. In a giant cyst, like our case, especially one which is in related to the maxillary sinus, CT has some advantages over radiographs . Because the maxillary sinus is patent and aerated, this is not a true congenital fusion. Fusion (apparent) of uncinate process to the ethmoid floor. Low-energy injuries show little or no comminution or displacement. Once the existence . 10.2). Fractures of the anterior nasal spine are rare. MDCT accurately depicts both bony and soft tissue injury. The alveolar process is an inferior extension of the maxilla with a rather porous structure. The interorbital space represents the confluence of the bony nose, orbit, maxilla, and cranium. The maxilla bone or maxillary bone is a fused (paired) bone that provides part or all of the bony structure of the eye sockets, the nasal passage, the hard palate, the left and right maxillary sinuses, and the upper tooth sockets. Type I injury refers to soft tissue injury without underlying damage to the bony structures of the nose. ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads. Alessandrino Francesco, Abhishek Keraliya and Jordan Lebovic et al. Kucik CJ, Clenney T, Phelan J. Medial canthal tendon denoted in green; fracture fragments in black. The maxillary sinuses are located under the eyes; the frontal sinuses are above the eyes; the ethmoidal sinuses are between the eyes and the sphenoidal sinuses are behind the eyes. 2007; 120(7, Suppl 2)64S75S. Superomedially it is in close contact with the anterior ethmoidal sinuses. 2. In 2007, the cost of treatment of facial fractures in U.S. emergency departments was nearly one billion dollars.2. nasal process of the maxilla Figure 11: 2mm coarse diamond drill used to remove bone from nasal process of maxilla As in choanal atresia repair, while dilating it is important to keep a Liston . Images are available in 3 different planes (transverse, sagittal and dorsal), with two kind of contrast (bone and soft tissues). Almost 5% suffered injuries to all three areas. Inferior margin is the lower border of the ethmoid air cells (, NOE injuries result from direct anterior impact to the upper nasal bridge and are characterized by fracture of the nasal bones, nasal septum, frontal process of the maxilla, ethmoid bones (lamina papyracea and cribriform plate), lacrimal bones, and frontal sinus (. elevators, retractors and evertors of the upper lip, depressors, retractors and evertors of the lower lip, embryological development of the head and neck. Type I naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE) fracture. It has been shown that the anterior nasal spine exhibits the following characteristics 5 slight, intermediate, and marked. Paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired air-filled spaces that surround the nasal cavity. In newborns the maxilla is much longer horizontally than vertically, compared to adults. Alexandra Sieroslawska MD The first aim of the physician caring for a patient with acute facial trauma is to preserve life. All rights reserved. Treatment depends on the degree of displacement. Nasal septal turbinate (NST) is structurally located in the anterior part of the septal part of nasal cavity and limits laterally the nasal valve ( Figure 8 ). From Gruss JS. 2011;69 (11): 2841-7. With current technology, scanning of the head, face, and cervical spine may be acquired as a single acquisition and no longer requires patient repositioning for direct coronal plane imaging. Axial CT imaging demonstrates a solid nonhomogeneous tumour that completely fills the right maxillary sinus, destroying the medial and dorsolateral wall of the sinus and the base of the right orbit. Iris of the eye shown in blue. Management of acute nasal fractures. Unger studied the CT appearance of nasolacrimal injuries in 25 patients and found that all nasolacrimal fractures were associated with other facial fractures. Jayson L. Benjert, Kathleen R. Fink, and Yoshimi Anzai, Maxillofacial trauma represents a significant cause of morbidity and financial cost in the United States. [1] It is divided in the midline by the nasal septum. Radiographs- Waters' sinus views 30, 45 degrees (The classic "tear drop" sign may be present if the orbital soft tissues have herniated through the floor into the maxillary antrum) A CT scan with fine-cut axial and coronal views, provides the best radiological assessment of orbital wall fractures (fig.3) Mulligan et al. Children, older people and people with poor oral hygiene are particularly affected. It is placed at the level of the nostrils, at the uppermost part of the philtrum. In low-velocity injuries, detachment of the nasal septal cartilage from the vomer may accompany the fracture. Treatment. 10.7). ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. (c) Type III refers to marked comminution of central fragment and disruption of medial canthal tendon. 5. I would honestly say that Kenhub cut my study time in half. In this article, two cases with similar radiological findings are presented. The nasal bone is a small, flat bone of the skull. Angioembolization may be required when packing fails, typically from bleeding maxillary and palatine arteries in association with midface fractures and in penetrating trauma with vascular injury. Lastly, the palatine process is a horizontal extension on the medial side of the bone constituting the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity. PMID: 21277487. Considerable expansion of the buccal and moderate expansion of the palatal cortical plate was evident. Type 1 fractures detach the frontal process of maxilla, displacing the fragments posteriorly and laterally without severe comminution. Note the normal uncinate process on the other side. have devised a classification system to address its integrity and dictate optimal repair (, CT shows impaction of the intraorbital contents with posterior telescoping of ethmoid air cells, nasal septal buckling, and intrasinus hemorrhage. Alveolar process of maxilla; Alveolar recess of the maxillary sinus; Angular vein; Anterior cerebral artery; Anterior chamber of eyeball; . It makes up the facial skeleton ( viscerocranium) along with the zygomatic bone, maxillae, palatine bones, lacrimal bones, inferior nasal conchae, vomer and mandible. Curated learning paths created by our anatomy experts, 1000s of high quality anatomy illustrations and articles. The anterior nasal spine is a tiny bony tubercle located at the edge of the maxilla piriform aperture. The nasal septum is composed predominately of the quadrangular cartilage. The slight characteristic indicates minimal to no projection beyond the inferior nasal aperture. Volume reformations from helical and MDCT datasets enhance diagnostic accuracy and allow the surgeon to better plan operative repair by depicting complex injuries in three dimensions. Axial and coronal series allow for assessment of bone, soft tissue injuries, and associated fractures.25 The accuracy of NOE fracture assessment is improved by evaluation of a combination of multiplanar CT and 3D volume-rendered CT.26 The medial canthal tendon itself cannot be assessed by CT, and integrity of the medial canthal tendon can be determined only during surgery. Normal anatomy of the nasal bones on computed tomography (CT). Naso-ethmoid-orbital fractures: classification and role of primary bone grafting. Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 2 million users. They house the structures necessary for sight, smell, and taste. Identification of Nasal Bone Fractures on Conventional Radiography and Facial CT: Comparison of the Diagnostic Accuracy in Different Imaging Modalities and Analysis of Interobserver Reliability. Nasal injuries are classified by the energy and direction of the impact force. Life- threatening injuries included intra-abdominal injury requiring surgery, pneumothorax, chest trauma requiring ventilator support, and severe closed head injury. Check for errors and try again. Helical CT and, more recently, multidetector CT (MDCT) have supplanted plain radiography and have revolutionized the imaging of the maxillofacial trauma. 10.2Normal anatomy of the nasal bones on computed tomography (CT). Moderate-energy injuries, the most common, demonstrate mild to marked displacement, whereas high energy is reserved for cases of severe fragmentation, displacement, and instability. A collision of 30 miles per hour exceeds the tolerance of most facial bones (, Luce et al. The CT scan reveals unilateral maxillary sinus hypoplasia and opacification, orbital expansion, lateralization of uncinate process. A recent decline in MVC-related maxillofacial trauma appears to reflect improved automobile safety as a result of airbags, mandatory seatbelt laws, and improved road conditions. 3. Axial bone window Blue arrow indicates location of fracture. The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side): The same normal facial bones CT without labels for reference. 1984;4 (4): . The incisive foramen can be found on the median line just posteriorly to the incisor teeth where the nasopalatine nerve and greater palatine vessels pass through. Minja FJ, Crum A, Burrowes D. Ocular anatomy and cross-sectional imaging of the eye. It uses computer processing to produce cross-sectional images or slices of the bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues inside the body. Calculated tomography data of a case group of consecutive treated patients with displaced zygomatic bone fractures were compared to a control group with mandibular fractures to measure maxillary sinus sizes, finding a maxillary Sinus volume larger than 20,000 mm3 is a predictive risk factor for a displaced zykomatic bone fracture. The CT protocol for evaluation of maxillofacial trauma should include axial images no more than 1 mm thick from the top of the frontal sinuses to the bottom of the mandible. "Intimate Partner Violence: A Primer for Radiologists to Make the Invisible Visible". The distal portions of the nasal bones are susceptible to fracture because of the broadness and thinness of the bone in this region. The nasal bones are two oblong halves that meet to form the bridge of your nose. Nasolacrimal injuries are anticipated with NOE fractures, but can occur in other injuries as well. It is specifically located in the mid face, forms the upper jaw, separates the nasal and oral cavities, and contains the maxillary sinuses (located on each side of the nose. The upper mandibular buttress extends from the central portion of the mandible along the dentoalveolar arch. The nasofrontal suture, which is a rigid fibrous joint that connects the two halves of the nasal bones, forms the thickest part of the nose. Am Fam Physician. Periodontal disease is a common cause for bone resorption within the alveolar process which may result after a severe inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). An osteotomy performed during septal reconstruction and rhinotomy typically passes through the nasal process of the maxilla; however, an osteotomy extending more posteriorly could enter and destabilize the maxillary sinus. Fig. Maxillary fractures are one of the most common emergencies presenting in the acute setting [1]. The face protects the skull from frontal injury; supports the organs of sight, smell, taste, and hearing; and serves as the point of entry for oxygen, water, and nutrients. CT scan, nasal cavity. . Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be a useful adjunct in patients with cranial nerve deficits not explained by CT, evaluation of incidentally discovered masses, and suspected vascular dissection. The maxillary sinus is connected with the middle nasal meatus via the maxillary ostium. They are laterally bordered by the frontal processes of the maxillary bones. Lateral impact injuries are the most common type of nasal injury leading to fracture.Intimate partner violence should be considered in patients where the clinical details do not match the fracture, or the injury occurs in an intimate setting 7. MVC, falls and other high-velocity injuries result in more complex, midfacial fractures. Upper transverse maxillary buttress travels along the infraorbital rims and includes the insertion site of medial canthal tendon in the medial orbit, an important structure for naso-orbito-ethmoid (NOE) fracture evaluation, described below. Bordered by several other bones of the viscerocranium, the maxilla on one side pairs with the corresponding bone on the opposite side via the intermaxillary suture. Once the patient is stabilized, clinical attention in the setting of facial trauma can be directed to restore form and function with preservation of vision, smell, taste and speech, and finally minimizing cosmetic deformity. The standard radiographic sinus series consists of four views: lateral view, Caldwell's view, Waters' view, and submentovertex or base view. Last reviewed: December 07, 2022 Become a Gold Supporter and see no third-party ads. The body of the maxilla is roughly pyramidal and has four surfaces that surround the maxillary sinus, the largest paranasal sinus:anterior, infratemporal (posterior), orbital and nasal. NFOT integrity is the most critical determinant and a reliable sign of high energy transfer. Because of the close anatomical relationship between the maxillary sinus and the adjacent dental region, determining the primary site of cysts in these regions can be a diagnostic dilemma. A radiolucency in this region with ill defined borders is regarded as a large incisive fossa. If possible, bony findings should be summarized in one of several typical fracture patterns. 3 public playlists include this case Related Radiopaedia articles Facial fractures It forms the maxillary dental arch containing eight cavities where the upper teeth are held. Fracture through the inferomedial orbital rim suggests injury to both the medial canthal ligament and lacrimal apparatus. Obtain orthopanthogram or dedicated tooth film when in doubt Key structures L = Maxilla, spine * = Nasomaxillary suture 4 = Nasal bone 5 = Maxilla, frontal process 39. The incisive foramen by convention is not expected to exceed 6 mm. Reviewer: Untreated nasal fractures account for a high percentage of rhinoplasty and septoplasty procedures. The 6.7% of facial fracture patients had concomitant cervical spine injury, and 61.8% had associated head injury. The body of the maxilla is roughly pyramidal and has four surfaces that surround the maxillary sinus, the largest paranasal sinus: anterior, infratemporal (posterior), orbital and nasal. The posterior perpendicular plate of ethmoid, vomer, nasal crest of maxilla, and nasal crest of the palatine bone form the bony nasal septum (, Nasal bone fractures are common and account for half of all facial fractures. Hemorrhagic effusions with the paranasal sinuses, manifested as hypderdense layering fluid, should always prompt a thorough search for fractures. The middle and lower thirds are composed of the upper lateral and lower alar cartilages, respectively. In industrialized nations, assault accounts for an increasing proportion of maxillofacial trauma, with increasing numbers of cases reported in some countries.3 Motor-vehicle collisions are also an increasing cause of such fractures in developing countries.3 The cause of maxillofacial fractures also may vary within a country from region to region, with interpersonal violence more frequent in urban areas and motor-vehicle collisions and falls more common in rural areas.4 Falls, sports, and work-related injuries round out the most common causes of maxillofacial trauma, with falls accounting for most maxillofacial injuries in the older population.5, The typical patient with maxillofacial trauma is a man in the third decade of life. It is located inferior to the nasal bone and gives rise in part, to the inferior nasal concha. Injuries to these vessels are common and may result in a rapidly expanding hematoma or profuse arterial bleeding. Horizontal buttresses: (1) frontal bar, (2) upper transverse maxillary buttress, (3) lower transverse maxillary buttress, (4) upper transverse mandibular buttress, (5) lower transverse mandibular buttress. Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD In adults, the maxillary sinuses are most commonly affected with acute and chronic sinusitis. Vertical buttresses: (A) Nasomaxillary or medial maxillary buttress, (B) zygomaticomaxillary or lateral maxillary buttress, (C) pterygomaxillary or posterior maxillary buttress, (D) vertical mandibular buttress. 3). Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injuries in the United States, Advanced Imaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion, Soft tissue injury without underlying injury to the nose, Simple unilateral nondisplaced nasal bone fracture, Simple bilateral nondisplaced nasal bone fractures. Submillimeter slice thickness permits exquisite multiplanar reformations (MPRs) and three- dimensional (3D) reconstructions. LeFort II fracture is a pyramidal fracture starting at the nasal bone and extending through the ethmoid and lacrimal bones; downward through the zygomaticomaxillary suture; continuing posteriorly. At the time the article was created Yar Glick had no recorded disclosures. Iran J Radiol. The nasal bone is located medial to the frontal processes of the maxillae. This buttress is not surgically accessible. Comminuted depressed fracture of the left anterior maxillary sinus wall and inferior orbital rim are also present (black arrow). Concomitant fractures of the nasal septum may occur in conjunction with nasal fractures ( Fig. The nasal bones along with the frontal processes of the maxilla make up one of three nasal . M = middle turbinate, I = inferior turbinate. At the time the case was submitted for publication Craig Hacking had no recorded disclosures. Read more. Case Discussion The anterior nasal spine is a feature of the maxilla, and projects anteriorly in the midline at the level of the nares. Manson et al. Fractures of the anterior nasal spine are rare. Acquisitions using 64-MDCT with 0.625-mm detector width and 0.4 mm overlapping sections allow high-quality MPRs to be generated and evaluated at the workstation. Lateral force from assault is the most common mechanism and causes contralateral displacement of the nasal bones and frontal processes of the maxilla. 10.6), and the medial canthal tendon is intact. 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